De fyrstefødte og fyrsteløse
En queerteoretisk læsning af Cecilie Ekens Karanagalaksen
Queerteori, børnelitteratur, science fiction, den heteroseksuelle matrice, kvindelig maskulinitet, kritisk maskulinitetsforskning, dekonstruktionResumé
With a deconstructive method and theoretical starting point in Raewyn Connell’s theory of masculinity as well as various queer theoretical perspectives, this article examines the gender-critical potential of Cecilie Eken’s science-fiction trilogy for children The Karana Galaxy (2018-2019). The thematic interpretation points to an unraveling of conventional gender perceptions in which diversity triumphs over conformity. But does the text indeed break with heteronormative assumptions, or are the descriptions of gender and sexuality (or the lack thereof) more like a modified version of gender binarism? The analysis shows that The Karana Galaxy both transcends and respects the logics of the heterosexual matrix. At the surface level of the text, the genders in the galaxy are defined by compulsory heterosexuality. At the same time, the text’s depiction of female masculinity breaks with these logics. Thus, the text can be interpreted as a homoerotic love relationship between a man and a masculine woman. However, the text’s bid to portray alternative forms of gender identities seems to contradict such a reading. Overall, the article therefore concludes that although the conventional understanding of masculinity and femininity is modified in The Karana Galaxy, the text’s constructions of gender and sexuality are still shaped by binary logics.
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Tidsskriftet følger dansk ophavsret.