Langdistancecykelpendling – Mellem transport og motion


  • Nils Eigil Bradtberg
  • Jonas Larsen



Langdistancecykelpendling: Mellem transport og motion (Long-distance bicycle – How exercise/sports and transport can be combined)

This article examines long-distance bicycle commuting as an exercise and sport form. Cycling commuting is insufficiently discussed and analysed in sport research. It considers cycling as a leisure activity with specific purposes while cycling as transport is overlooked. In this article, we show that bike commuting can be physically strenuous and therefore have a large exercise element. We argue that long-distance bicycle commuting shows how exercise/sports and transport can be combined. Through qualitative observations and interviews with long-distance commuters, we examine the values, designs, locations and bodily practices that characterize the phenomenon. We begin by discussing the existing interdisciplinary knowledge of cycling and through this review we outline our position and method. Then we present and analyze our empirical material. We end by discussing the articles relevance for sport researchers.

Author Biographies

Nils Eigil Bradtberg

Nils Eigil Bradtberg, Ansat ved Roskilde Universitet, Institut for Miljø, Samfund og Rumlig Forandring, email: Nils er videnskabelig assistent, ansat ved projektet Urban Cycle Mobilities. Han forsker i cykelfremme og udgivet artiklen Et designkritisk blik på Cykelsuperstierne (2014), vidensbladene Cykelsuperstier –ikke så super endda (2013) og ’Et styrket fokus på koblingen mellem cykling og sundhed’ (2013). Cand. scient id. fra Københavns Universitet, med specialet København, cyklernes by? –Muligheder for fremme af cyklisme (2012).

Jonas Larsen

Jonas Larsen, Roskilde Universitet, Institut for Miljø, Samfund og Rumlig Forandring, email: jonaslar@ Jonas er Ph.d. og lektor, forskningsgruppeleder, studieleder). Han forsker i mobilitet, turisme og fotografi og har for udgivet bøgerne Digital Snaps: the Face of Digital Photography (med Mette Sandbye) og The Tourist Gaze 3.0 (med John Urry). I øjeblikket leder han forskningsprojektet Urban Cycle Mobilities om cykelkultur i København, støttet af Det Frie Forskningsråd.




How to Cite

Bradtberg, N. E., & Larsen, J. (2014). Langdistancecykelpendling – Mellem transport og motion. Forum for Idræt, 30(1).



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