Driftsformer og idrætsfaciliteter – hvordan åbnes den “sorte boks”?


  • Evald Bundgaard Iversen Syddansk Universitet




Organizational behavioural patterns of Sport Facilities

This article develops hypotheses on how different steering methods influence patterns of action in Sport Facilities. It is firstly argued that the sport facility run by the City Council seen from a normative institutional perspective will focus on other user groups than those who use the facility today. This is due to an increased focus from the City Council on Sport for All. Secondly, from a rational institutional perspective, the sport facility run by the City Council will keep focus on existing users and public welfare institutions due the transaction costs of focusing on new users. Thirdly, private nonprofit sport facilities seen from a normative institutional approach might focus on existing users due to a ‘logic of appropriateness’ established between the users and the sport facility. Finally, seen from a rational institutional perspective on non-profit private sport facilities, the hypothesis is that they will have an increased focus on attracting more activity to the sport facility as they will benefit economically. Which of these hypotheses that is most valid is an empirical question that needs to be tested in additional studies.

Author Biography

Evald Bundgaard Iversen, Syddansk Universitet

Evald Bundgaard Iversen er erhvervsph.d.-stipendiat og forsker for Faaborg-Midtfyn Kommune og Institut for Idræt og Biomekanik ved Syddansk Universitet i betydningen af kommunal støtte til idrætsfaciliteter. Han er uddannet gymnasielærer og cand.mag. i samfundsfag, idræt og engelsk. Evald Bundgaard Iversen har i perioden 2007-2012 arbejdet som fritidskonsulent i Faaborg-Midtfyn Kommune med forskellige typer af udviklingsprojekter inden for idræt og offentlig forvaltning med særlig fokus på idrætsfaciliteters drift og udvikling.




How to Cite

Iversen, E. B. (2013). Driftsformer og idrætsfaciliteter – hvordan åbnes den “sorte boks”?. Forum for Idræt, 29(1). https://doi.org/10.7146/ffi.v29i1.31635



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