Friluftsliv efter de grønne bølger - Kropsøkologiens nye modsætninger


  • Henning Eichberg Syddansk Universitet



Outdoor life after the green waves? New contradictions of body ecology

The practical relation to nature, which we call ”friluftsliv”, has not developed in a linear process, but in historical waves. This is true for Denmark and Germany, but also – as recent research has shown – for Sweden and Scotland. What happened, however, after the third green wave from the 1960/80s? The article studies the new configuration of our concept of nature, its practical background in handling space and place, in running, movement landscapes and body ecology. What become visible are nature’s fractal (anti-) geometry and a new humanism, which does not – as classical humanism did – place the “individual” against “nature”, but sees the human as fellow human in connection with the fellow world.

Author Biography

Henning Eichberg, Syddansk Universitet

Henning Eichberg, ph.d. og dr.phil., er kultursociolog og professor for kropskultur med fokus på leg ved Institut for Idræt og Klinisk Biomekanik på Syddansk Universitet i Odense. Han har desuden forsket i idrætshistorie, idrætssociologi og sammenhæng mellem demokrati, sociale bevægelser og identitet. Seneste publikationer: Bodily Democracy – Towards a Philosophy of Sport for All (2010), Minderheit und Mehrheit (2011), Idrætspolitik i komparativ belysning – national og international (2012) og Erkunden und Spielen – lehren, fördern, lassen (2013).




How to Cite

Eichberg, H. (2013). Friluftsliv efter de grønne bølger - Kropsøkologiens nye modsætninger. Forum for Idræt, 29(1).



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