Tävlandet inom idrotten


  • Jonny Hjelm Umeå Universitet




The article describes and analyses the behavioral science research on sport in Sweden and how “competitive sport” was treated between 1970 and 2010, as “modern sport” came to be called in Sweden. The point of departure is that sports researchers have not only analyzed but also influenced how sport in associations and schools has developed. In modern society men and women in science have a legitimacy and authority that give them good opportunities to influence opinions and concrete policies. The article describes the fundamental criticism that Swedish sports researchers for 40 years have directed at competition in sport. It is also shown that this criticism has been accompanied by a very positive description of other forms of sport, including games. The article concludes, with a critical examination of the sports researchers’ analysis of “competitive sport”, among other things their superficial understanding of “competition” and the lack of analyses and problematisations of informal competitions.

Author Biography

Jonny Hjelm, Umeå Universitet

Jonny Hjelm er professor i historie ved Institutionen för idé och samhällsstudier, Umeå Universitet, Sverige. Han har siden slutningen af 1980´erne forsket i arbejdslivshistorie, fagforeningshistorie, teknikhistorie og idrætshistorie med 1900-tallet som sit tidsmæssige fokus. Han sidder desuden i bestyrelsen for Umeå Centrum för idrottsvetenskap, UCIV, der koordinerer uddannelse og forskning inden for det idrætsvidenskabelige området ved Umeå Universitet.




How to Cite

Hjelm, J. (2012). Tävlandet inom idrotten. Forum for Idræt, 28(1). https://doi.org/10.7146/ffi.v28i1.31625