Vores by - mellem vækst og velfærd. Om de (re)kreative planlægningstanker bag Carlsbergbyen


  • Klaus Eskelund Syddansk Universitet




byplanlægning, velfærd, rekreativ, samfundsidealer, ulighed, analyse


Artiklen har til formål at kaste et kritisk blik på byplanlægningstanker, bl.a. med udgangspunkt i Carlsbergbyen. Disse tanker analyseres i forhold til aktuelle samfundsidealer, og det diskuteres, om de er ulighedsskabende set i et velfærdsperspektiv. 

The article »Our City – between economic growth and social welfare« deals with physical recreational activity in regard to urban planning. A specific planning site in Copenhagen, »Carlsbergbyen« in Valby is picked out to exemplify contemporary dominating thoughts of planning. In the early planning process, »Carlsbergbyen « was called »Our City« referring to the Carlsberg slogan: »Our Beer«. But seen from a critical perspective it can also refer to »Our City« in contrast to »Their City« – and »Our City« in this matter is the city for The Creative Class. A city that facilitates flexible and multifunctional urban spaces, and that is in particular when it comes to recreational activity. The question asked here is what the social consequences are if contemporary urban planning is dominated by The Creative Class. The question is what mechanisms of social exclusion are at stake? To answer this question the article talks about new paradigms of urban planning, new ways of social distinction and in particular new tendencies of physical recreational activities. The aim of the article is to present a critical perspective that focuses on mechanisms of social exclusion, and hereby call for thoughts of reflection when it comes to the ease with which a term like »Our City« seems to be used in the planning process of »Carlsbergbyen«.

Author Biography

Klaus Eskelund, Syddansk Universitet

Klaus Eskelund (f. 1974) er cand.scient. i idræt og samfundsfag, ph.d. og ansat som postdoc. på Institut for Idræt og Biomekanik på Syddansk Universitet, Odense. Klaus Eskelund har skrevet ph.d.-afhandlingen Urbs (re)creans – mellem fast og flydende modernitet (2010), der handler om moderne byudvikling set i et rekreativt perspektiv. Han forsker nu i rekreativ byplanlægning, modernitet og idrætskultur samt mere specifikt i idrættens projektkultur, koblet til et større forskningsprojekt om bevægelsespolitik, støttet af Nordea-fonden.




How to Cite

Eskelund, K. (2011). Vores by - mellem vækst og velfærd. Om de (re)kreative planlægningstanker bag Carlsbergbyen. Forum for Idræt, 27(1). https://doi.org/10.7146/ffi.v27i1.31616



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