What difference can a basketball make?


  • Mac McClenahan GAM3
  • Simon Praham GAM3




GAM3, basketball, mellemøsten


I essayet deler forfatterne deres førstehåndsoplevelser i projektet GAM3, som bruger basketball og den urbane kultur som et redskab til indflydelse, tolerance og tværkulturel dialog mellem unge med forskellige religiøse, kulturelle og sociale baggrunde. 

Author Biographies

Mac McClenahan, GAM3

Mac McClenahan is the Country Director for Lebanon at GAM3 and Partner at the Saifi Institute for Arabic Language. He holds a Master’s in Sociology from the American University of Beirut and a B.Sc. in Physics and Social Science from the California Polytechnic State University – San Luis Obispo.

Simon Praham, GAM3

Simon Prahm has been Managing Director of GAM3 since 2003. GAM3 is a Danish NGO operating within the sport and development field. The organization has six full-time employees, 40 coaches and 70 volunteers. Using the ’sport-forall’ approach, GES’s objective is to reach out to underprivileged youth, who has limited or no access to sport in order to strengthen their selfesteem, create social empowerment, and counteract marginalization. GAM3 has run activities in Denmark since 2002 and launched projects in the Middle East in 2007. Simon is also guest Lecturer at the Copenhagen Business School and at the University of Copenhagen. Simon lectures on event and development oriented sports organizations and used GAM3 as a case study during a sports economics seminar. Similar lectures have been given at the University of Copenhagen’s Institute for Sports and at the Institute of Modern Culture.




How to Cite

McClenahan, M., & Praham, S. (2010). What difference can a basketball make?. Forum for Idræt, 26(1). https://doi.org/10.7146/ffi.v1i1.31591



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