Social Inequality at professional bachelor programmes


  • Johanne Grøndahl Glavind VIA University College
  • Ditte Graversgaard Hansen Forskningscenter for uddannelseskvalitet, professionspolicy & praksis, VIA University College
  • Søren Bang-Kristjansen Forskningscenter for uddannelseskvalitet, professionspolicy & praksis, VIA University College



The purpose of this article is to chart the existing knowledge regarding social inequality in professional bachelor's programmes in Denmark. We are interested in examining the significance of social background for admission to professional bachelor's programmes and for the students' academic progress and social well-being, their risk of discontinuation, as well as their transition to employment or further education. The research question is addressed through a rapid review of recent Danish and European literature in the field. Out of 1107 identified references from (inter)national search databases and manual searches for additional literature, a total of 34 publications met our search criteria. These publications are categorised into four themes: 1) admission, 2) academic progress and social well-being, 3) completion and discontinuation, and 4) transition to the job market and further education. The article finds that social background is particularly significant for admission and transition to postgraduate programmes, while the literature is more uncertain regarding academic progress, well-being, and discontinuation.



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How to Cite

Grøndahl Glavind, J., Graversgaard Hansen, D., & Bang-Kristjansen, S. (2024). Social Inequality at professional bachelor programmes. The Danish Journal of Higher Education, 19(36).