Including vulnerable unemployed through support from mentors at workplaces


  • Claus Brygger Jacobi


Supported Employment, Virksomhedsmentorer, Personlige Jobformidlere, Inklusionskapacitet


Despite active labor market policies being increasingly directed towards Supported Employment (SE) with a focus on “first place and then train”, there has been little attention on employers’ capacity for the inclusion of vulnerable unemployed individuals. This article investigates what role experienced employes can play as mentors in achieving this and the dilemmas it can entail. In the article, we investigate a project where SE is combined with cooperation with private employers, where experienced employees mentor vulnerable unemployed/employees to strengthen inclusion. The study is based on qualitative interviews with nine vulnerable unemployed individuals, their employment specialist, and mentors. This is supplemented by qualitative interviews with selected project participants and a focus group interview about the cooperation between employment specialists and workplaces. The article contributes with knowledge about how mentors can support vulnerable unemployed individuals in developing their work capacityand inclusion at the workplace, and help to enhance employer’ capacity for inclusion. However, this involves several dilemmas. These include balancing actions directed at caring for the special needs of the vulnerable (un)employed and promoting the effective performance of employees. Moreover, it entails supporting the vulnerable unemployed in being adequately open about their diagnosis and special needs in order to receive the appropriate workplace accommodations needed for inclusion.



How to Cite

Jacobi, C. B. (2024). Including vulnerable unemployed through support from mentors at workplaces. Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv, 26(2), 26–40. Retrieved from