Hybrid work: Challenges in a flexible community


  • Peter Holdt Christensen


Fleksibilitet, Jobtilpasning, Hjemmearbejde, Individuelle præferencer, Spændinger


In a qualitative and exploratory study of 52 employees and managers in a large Danish organization, I demonstrate how the lockdowns have legitimized working from home. Secondly, I identify four individual needs and expectations for autonomy and flexibility. These individual preferences for hybrid work are a consequence of the individual’s private life, understood as, for example, being a family with small children, or not having children living at home, the typical commute time to and from the workplace, and whether the individual wants to be able to – away from the noisy open space office – focus on performing the work tasks. Thirdly, I demonstrate how different needs for hybrid work create tensions in the workplace. Thus, individual flexibility challenges what I call the flexible community. Specifically, I identify three tensions that arise between individual preferences for hybrid work and the well-functioning workplace: significant groupings, depopulation of workspaces, and a lack of mutual update and knowledge sharing. The article thus emphasizes the paradox of hybrid work: flexibility can now be exploited as it has become legitimate, which at the same time risks creating tensions, as individuals’ needs for autonomy and flexibility are different.




How to Cite

Christensen, P. H. (2024). Hybrid work: Challenges in a flexible community. Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv, 26(1), 11–27. Retrieved from https://tidsskrift.dk/tidsskrift-for-arbejdsliv/article/view/144135