Temporal environments in the 4-Day Workweek

– Experiences from Two Municipal Cases


  • Janne Gleerup
  • Agnete Meldgaard Hansen
  • Henrik Lambrecht Lund


Komprimeret arbejdsuge, Fleksibilisering, Temporalitet, Rytmer, Kontrol


In recent years, interest in the 4-day workweek has spread significantly, both internationally and in Denmark. This article presents insights from qualitative studies of two Danish 4-day workweek experiments within the municipal sector. We illuminate how the transition to a 4-day workweek affects temporal environments in the workplace, based on a conceptual framework derived from the sociology of time and working life research. The analysis shows that temporal environments undergo changes in a complex interplay between movements towards increased flexibility and boundarylessness in time and space on one hand, and on the other hand initiatives aimed at structuring the temporality of work, taking into account interactions between work and other aspects of life. The article highlights a series of dilemmas and challenges that must be addressed if the experiences from these experiments are to serve as a basis for adoption of the 4-day workweek on a larger scale.




How to Cite

Gleerup, J., Hansen, A. M., & Lund, H. L. (2023). Temporal environments in the 4-Day Workweek: – Experiences from Two Municipal Cases . Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv, 25(3), 22–37. Retrieved from https://tidsskrift.dk/tidsskrift-for-arbejdsliv/article/view/141974