The master’s views on his role in vocational training:
What is important in order for the student to be able to live a valued life with her/ his education?
Mestre, Erhvervsuddannelse, Karrierevejledning, Mesterlære, Oplæring, Kritisk psykologiAbstract
Vocational Training and Education (VET) attract a lot of attention, not least regarding recruitment and the educational quality. Although practical experience in companies is a central part of VET-programs and the trainers play an important part in the education of the students, the amount of research-based knowledge of the masters’ understanding of their role in the training of students is limited. Based on an explorative study, this article explores masters’ understanding of their role in vocational training and what they find important when supporting the student’s process towards living the life with her/his education that she desires. Starting from four qualitative interviews with masters in the field of food production and with a critical psychological grounding, three central themes for the masters’ understanding of their role are identified, “To earn your pay”, “To be formed and to come into your own”, and “To progress to something you want – and be able to create a good everyday life with your job”. The themes show that the masters are occupied with supporting the students’ process of developing an awareness of possibilities and a generalized human agency in a life with their trade.
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