Practice theoretical investigations of professional and organizational learning: a ‘tool-kit’ approach


  • Roddy Walker
  • Anders Buch



praksisfællesskaber, praksisteori, læreprocesse, organisatorisk læring, læringsbaner


The article outlines an analytical framework that can accommodate the dynamics between organizational practices, work, and educational practices, as well as individuals’ learning processes in practice, and thus opens up for renewed empirical studies of organizational and professional learning processes. It unfolds three practice theoretical vantage points on organisational and professional learning processes and offers an eclectic and inclusive analytical approach to investigating these as social practices. On a background of empirical material produced through an ethnographic study of a management development program in the Danish Abstracts public sector, the possibilities and limitations of three different practice-theoretical approaches are considered. The interplay between them shows potential to add nuance to studies of professional and organizational learning processes. Firstly, learning processes are examined as professional identity formation through participation in the community of practice around the development program. Next, Schatzki’s practice-theoretical approach is used to focus on management as situated practice. This gives rise to reflections on the relationship between education and practice and offers a particularly favourable analytical view of organizational stability and change. Furthermore, a third approach that focuses on individuals’ learning paths in professional and organizational practices is considered. Here Ole Dreier's concept of person is discussed as a further development of practice theories.




How to Cite

Walker, R., & Buch, A. (2022). Practice theoretical investigations of professional and organizational learning: a ‘tool-kit’ approach. Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv, 24(1), 10–24.