Precarization and Precarious Worklife in Helle Helle’s novel, Ned til hundene (Down to the Dogs)
The article presents a new interpretation of a major work of fiction in contemporary Danish literature, Helle Helle’s novel, Ned til hundene (Down to the Dogs) from 2008. This interpretation is framed and enabled by a presentation of Guy Standing’s notion of the precariat as a heterogeneous group, whose social suffering is (partly) due to a lack of empathy and basic understanding on behalf of the elites. The literary analysis is intended both as something, that may facilitate this understanding and thus possible extension of feelings of solidarity resulting in action to decrease this social suffering, and as an illustration of how difficult – if not downright impossible – this is to imagine. Because the novel, on my analysis and in contrast to several recent interpretations, is about and formally demonstrates through an experimentation with precarious style and unreliable narration just how hard it is for someone not belonging to the precariat to enter into its lifeworld without causing it more pain and suffering. Fiction does not solve social problems; rather it is a means to call attention to their complexity and to the urgent need to act.
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