Shared leadership interaction and the professionalization of leadership


  • Carl Cato Wadel



The article provides insight into leadership as practice by exploring the interaction between leaders in a version of shared leadership called joint leadership. Based on a case from a government agency in Norway the article highlights how leaders in a well-functioning joint leadership perform leadership together. The presented case forms the basis for discussing how interaction in joint leadership can contribute to professionalise leadership and develop leadership as a profession. The presented case sheds light on aspects of professional leadership and the professionalization of leadership that have not been discussed in previous studies of shared leadership. It shows that interaction enables leaders in a joint leadership to assemble information and create a more complete picture of their area of responsibilities. The leaders can discuss and bounce ideas off each other and thereby ensure that they have thought of everything important. This gives them a better basis for making decisions and hence appear as more professional leaders. The interaction between the leaders also has an impact on how they develop as leaders and their identity as leaders. Leadership development through shared leadership interaction in everyday work can be an important contribution to the professionalization of leadership. Thus, one may speak of professionalising leadership through interaction and practical cooperation in a shared leadership.




How to Cite

Wadel, C. . C. . (2017). Shared leadership interaction and the professionalization of leadership. Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv, 19(3), 46–64.