Occupations between organised interests, education and work – do occupations have the future behind them?


  • Christian Helms Jørgensen




Skilled workers have a strong position in the Danish labour market, a high rate of trade union membership and a high rate of mobility in occupational labour markets. Vocational education is based on a Dual System where more than half of the training takes place in a workplace. This article examines the nature of occupations (vocations) – and what kind of future they have. First, the linguistic confusion about occupations and vocations in Danish is addressed. Second, the differences and similarities between occupations and (semi-) professions are discussed. Occupations are seen as constituted by a combination of formalised training and education, trade union organisation, specific areas of work and vocational identities and cultures. Third, occupations are related to a particular training regime in Denmark (neocorporatist) that is compared with the two other classic regimes based on either state or market regulation. The evolution of the modern occupations is related to a historical process of differentiation where the processes of production, exchange of labour and skill formation have become disconnected and have developed separate rationalities. Furthermore, the expansion of civil society means that the formation of identities has become more independent of working life. As a consequence, there are growing internal tensions inside occupations between their constituent components, work, labour market exchange, education and identity formation. The article argues that a particular quality of occupations is their capacity to connect the social subsystems mentioned, work, labour market and education. Due to this and other qualities the article concludes that occupations are likely to have a future in Denmark and other countries with similar training regimes.




How to Cite

Jørgensen, C. H. (2009). Occupations between organised interests, education and work – do occupations have the future behind them?. Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv, 11(3), 013–031. https://doi.org/10.7146/tfa.v11i3.108819