Hvid historiefortælling og symbolsk vold – også i Danmark


  • Helle Stenum




Danbolt, M. (2017). Retro Racism: Colonial Ignorance and Racialized Affective Consumption in Danish Public Culture. Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 7(2), 105-113. DOI doi.org/10.1515/njmr-2017-0013.

Odumosu, T. (2015). Open Images or Open Wounds? Colonial past and present in the city of Copenhagen. Lokaliseret d. 15. marts 2021 på medium.com/the-politics-practicesand-poetics-of-openness/open-images-or-open-woundscolonial-past-and-present-in-thecity-of-copenhagen-66d901f5f4e1.

Stenum, H. (2017). We Carry It Within Us/Vi bærer det i os. Dokumentar. Filmstriben. Lokaliseret d. 15. marts 2021 på fjernleje.filmstriben.dk/film/9000005398/vi-baerer-det-i-os

Om statuen I Am Queen Mary af La Vaughn Belle og Jeannette Ehlers:

iamqueenmary.com (lokaliseret d. 15. marts 2021).

Om Dana King og hendes skulptur "Guided by Justice":

kqed.org/arts/13830638/kpix-anchor-turned-sculptor-contributespiece-to-lynching-memorial (lokaliseret d. 15. marts 2021).

Om Lost Cause-organisationer:

Breed, A.G. (2018). ‘The lost cause’: the women’s group fighting for Confederate monuments. The Guardian, 10. august. Lokaliseret d. 15. marts 2021 på theguardian.com/us-news/2018/aug/10/uniteddaughters-of-the-confederacystatues-lawsuit.

Cox, K.L. (2019). Dixie’s Daughters: The United Daughters of the Confederacy and the Preservation of Confederate Culture. Gainesville: University Press of Florida.

Lentin, A. (2020). Why Race Still Matters. Hoboken: Wiley.

National Museum of African American Culture: nmaahc.si.edu (lokaliseret d. 15. marts 2021).

Palmer, B & Wessler, S.F. (2018). ‘The cost of the Confederacy’. Smithsonian Magazine, 13. december 2018. Lokaliseret d. 15. marts 2021 på smithsonianmag.com/history/costs-confederacy-specialreport-180970731.




How to Cite

Stenum, H. (2022). Hvid historiefortælling og symbolsk vold – også i Danmark. Sprogforum, 27(72). https://doi.org/10.7146/spr.v27i72.132033