Som en hand på axeln: beröring som posthumanistiskt feministiskt fenomen


  • Simon Ceder Stockholms universitet
  • Karin Gunnarsson Stockholms universitet



touch, posthumanism, feminism, intra-action, body, natureculture


[A Hand on the Shoulder: Touch as a Posthuman Feminist Phenomenon] With a posthuman feminist perspective, we explore touch as a phenomenon in the philosophy of education. Our argument is that touch is one of the prominent phenomena in educational contexts and therefore it requires closer theoretical investigation. In this article, we seek to challenge a ‘subject centric’ and ‘anthropocentric’ perspective, proposing a posthuman approach where touch is relationally intra-active and constantly present with multiple directions. Inspired by the methodological approach ‘concept as method’, we explore the phenomenon of touch through tracing-and-cartographing how it is used in educational texts. Two central aspects – body and ‘natureculture’– appeared in the intersection of touch, education and posthuman feminism. Touch as an educational phenomenon is seen as active in highlighting everyday activities in educational practices, and pushing them to be questioned and disrupted. To conclude, we raise a few questions and discuss some challenges that emerged while working with touch as a posthuman feminist phenomenon.


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How to Cite

Ceder, S., & Gunnarsson, K. (2018). Som en hand på axeln: beröring som posthumanistiskt feministiskt fenomen. Studier I Pædagogisk Filosofi, 6(1), 5–24.


