About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Studier i Pædagogisk Filosofi is an online, open access, non-profit, peer-reviewed journal, that publishes articles in the tradition of the philosophy of education, broadly construed. The articles range from traditional philosophical investigations of fundamental subjects that relate to the philosophical-educational field to detailed and critical analyses of Bildung, education, learning, teaching and more from a philosophical perspective.
Studier i Pædagogisk Filosofi aims to further a living and critical dialogue between researcher in universities and colleges in the Nordic countries. The journal doesn't represent one specific school or tradition. Rather, we seek to increase the exchange of ideas and research between philosophers and educational thinkers and researchers with a philosophical bent. Therefore, the journal strives for a broad, Nordic array of authors, reviewers and editors. Articles are published in Danish, Swedish, Norwegian and English.
Target Audience
Studier i Pædagogisk Filosofi aims first and foremost to publish research relevant to academic peers. The journal therefore targets the same audience in the Nordic countries as Studies in Philosophy and Education, Educational Philosophy and Theory, Journal of Philosophy of Education, og Educational Theory. We also target students and graduates in philosophy of education, as well as teachers and researchers at Nordic Höjskoler and University Colleges, that aim to increase their knowledge and skill in the philosophy of education.
Peer review-proces
Studier i Pædagogisk Filosofi follows prevailing editorial policy and procedure for peer-reviewed academic journal, and strive for a high level of integrity and trustworthiness in our scientific, academic contents. All submissions undergo double blind peer review to insure the highest possible standard. In reviews, both the philosophical content as well as the linguistic presentation is taken into account. In general, at least two reviews from two different rewievers are called for. If the two reviews differ greatly, the article and the reviews might be sent to an editor, who decides whether to solicit a third review.
Publication Frequency
Studier i Pædagogisk Filosofi is published twice a year. The first issue was published in March 2012. Each issue is approximately 100 pages in length, with the bulk of the space being taken up by peer-reviewed articles, and a smaller portion by reviews of recent books and other various formats.
Open Access Policy
Studier i Pædagogisk Filosofi wishes to contribute to the general boost in the knowledge and education of the broader public. Therefore, all articles are completely free to access online and to print, with no registration needed.
Payments and charges
There are no payments or charges involved in publishing articles in Studier i Pædagogisk Filosofi.
Publication Ethics
SPF adheres to the principles established in "The Danish Code Of Conduct for Research Integrity" (2014).
: 978-87-93151-36-9
: 978-87-93151-35-2.
The overall principles for this are:
"Honesty – to ensure the trustworthiness of research
Transparency – to ensure the credibility of scientific reasoning
Accountability – to ensure the reliability of research"
(Quoted from the Code of Conduct summary).
If any of these principles are found to have been violated, Studier i Pædagogisk Filosofi will take action by correcting the mistake(s) or, in the most severe cases, retracting published articles.
The full Code Of Conduct can be found here: https://ufm.dk/publikationer/2014/filer-2014/the-danish-code-of-conduct-for-research-integrity.pdf.
A summary is available here: https://ufm.dk/publikationer/2014/filer-2014/summary-the-danish-code-of-conduct-for-research-integrity.pdf.