Gernot Böhmes atmosfæreæstetik og vejrfænomenologi
Atmosfære, fornemmelse, følelse, sansning, mærket krop, natur, vejr, klima, æstetik, fænomenologi, Bollnow, Schmitz, BöhmeResumé
The paper explores Gernot Böhme’s interpretation of the concept of atmosphere as an aesthetical concept of the natural environment, especially of the weather. Böhme takes over the concept of atmosphere from Hermann Schmitz’ body phenomenology in which human feelings are considered to be spatial atmospheres. Böhme integrates atmospheres into his phenomenology of nature by showing that they are bodily sensations of human’s mode of being in their environment. Based on this framework he sketches out a phenomenology of the weather, i.e. a theory of the connection of climate and our mode of being. The perspective of the paper is to employ Böhme’s work with atmospheres in environmental education in general, and, specifi cally, in education concerning climate change.
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