Refleksjon ein uttynna medisin
Refleksjon, Jürgen Habermas, kunnskapsinteresser, orienteringskunnskap, meistringskunnskap, radikal kritikk, overblikk, medvitsregime, kritisk tenkingResumé
The main object of this article is to contribute to a clearer use of the concept reflection. The question is whether reflection has become an overexposed and diluted medicine in educational thinking. To answer this question I will examine how reflection is understood and what direction and theoretical foundation the concept is based on. The article is a Habermas inspired interpretation of basic textbooks for teacher education. In the textbooks, reflection is presented as a good medicine for the professional teacher and a continuous reflection will improve the professional practice by developing consciousness in action. In the conclusion I will present some recommendations on how to improve the understanding and use of reflection. My main goal is to provide reflection with a theoretical content and a clearer direction. Reflection is a knowledge searching, which is not based on experience and facts, but which is closely tied to philosophical thinking, critical theory and the ability to develop an overview.
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