Faglighed – kvalitet, æstetik og undervisning
Faglighed, æstetik, undervisning, samtale, dannelseResumé
In mainstream educational trends and in particular in public debate, one might perceive a rather superfi cial/uncritical handling of the concept of ‘subject matter’ (Danish: faglighed), a handling which infl uences political decisions considerably. This article sets out to analyze the concept of ‘subject matter’ and makes the point that it is both intimately connected to a one dimensional idea of utility and that it as concept marginalizes teaching’s nature of encounter and dialogue, and hereby narrows ‘school’ to ‘learning’ and to some few basic subjects. Furthermore the argument is made that by comparing this narrow utility-like concept to the aesthetics the concept of subject matter can be qualifi ed as closely bound to a form-content side and this in turn opens up to the aspect of character formation (Danish: dannelse; German: Bildung).Downloads
Adamsen, J. (2016). Faglighed – kvalitet, æstetik og undervisning. Studier I Pædagogisk Filosofi, 5(1), 62–80. https://doi.org/10.7146/spf.v5i1.18137
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