Om realisme og konstruktivisme i Piagets læringsteori og genetiske epistemologi
Piaget, genetisk epistemologi, konstruktivisme, realisme, repræsentation, læring, von Glasersfeld, KantResumé
This paper deals with the epistemological foundations of Jean Piaget’s theory of learning and genetic epistemology. The purpose is to estimate the form of Piaget’s constructivism. I take advantage of Ernst von Glasersfeld’s ‘radical constructivist’ interpretation of Piaget. Contrary to von Glasersfeld, it is argued that Piaget at the same time is a realist with respect to the existence of the external world, and a ‘genetic-transcendental constructivist’ in relation to the development of knowledge. I interpret this paradox as Piaget’s acknowledgement of the co-existence of a 3. person and a 1. person epistemological perspective in the scientific investigation of cognition
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