Social research in support of democratic communities through ‘future workshops’


  • Liesanth Yde Nirmalarajan
  • Rasmus Sommer Hansen



Deliberative democracy, communities, epistemic injustice, practice research, future workshops


The purpose of this article is to develop and refine methodological principles for democratic community-supportive research based on a specific research project about families in vulnerable positions. First, we present an ideal for a democratic community and a participatory approach to research aimed at enhancing such communities, along with a set of methodological principles that such research should follow. We emphasise political equality, democratic control, and the derived need to minimise the risk of epistemic injustice towards citizens in marginalised positions. Subsequently, we examine the methodological potential of future workshops in illuminating marginalised perspectives. We conclude that good intentions regarding the inclusion of marginalised perspectives in research are insufficient in themselves to realise a form of research that serves democratic communities, and to do so requires that the methodological principles need to be situated and negotiated with the participants involved.


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How to Cite

Yde Nirmalarajan, L., & Sommer Hansen, R. (2024). Social research in support of democratic communities through ‘future workshops’. Psyke & Logos, 45(2), 73–91.