“Because it’s the new reality” – The perplexity surrounding ChatGPT and the human-technologyrelation


  • Nis Langer Primdahl


Critique of technology, chatbots, ChatGPT, AI in education, technology optimism


This article explores the perplexity that spread among Danish universities when ChatGPT became available shortly before the winter exams of 2022/23. Universities found themselves compelled to formulate new guidelines for conducting exams in a very short period – with widely varying results. The focus is on the guidelines and arguments for and against using Chatbots for exam formats where all aids were allowed. In some cases, institutions chose to prohibit the use, arguing that the produced work could not be considered the student’s own. However, there were other instances where institutions allowed ChatGPT as a legitimate aid. Drawing on two theoretical perspectives that share a focus on the relationship between humans and digital technologies, the arguments proposed by universities are discussed based on the thesis that technologies like ChatGPT cannot be solely viewed as harmful or beneficial but must be considered in terms of their ambivalence within the field of educational psychology.


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How to Cite

Nis Langer Primdahl. (2024). “Because it’s the new reality” – The perplexity surrounding ChatGPT and the human-technologyrelation. Psyke & Logos, 45(1), 49–66. Retrieved from https://tidsskrift.dk/psyke/article/view/146545