Easy, Convenient and Pointless – About Albert Borgmann’s Philosophy of Technology


  • Jesper Aagaard


Borgmann, deskilling, distraction, focal practices, technological devices


Many of us are increasingly sceptical about society’s ongoing digitisation: Is this development solely for the better, or does it also include significant downsides that we must address? But how should we articulate such concerns in a helpful and nuanced manner?This article aims to introduce Albert Borgmann’s Philosophy of Technology. According to Borgmann, life acquires meaning through everyday ‘focal practices’ like preparing a meal or lighting the log burner. In turn, such focal practices require skills, dedication, and effort. Technological devices like microwave ovens and radiators are designed to render all effort superfluous, and thereby threaten to subvert our focal practices. The article discusses the repercussions – and criticisms – of Borgmann’s insights and proceeds to discuss how we can convert his philosophical insights into a psychological critique of technology with a focus on digital technologies.


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How to Cite

Jesper Aagaard. (2024). Easy, Convenient and Pointless – About Albert Borgmann’s Philosophy of Technology. Psyke & Logos, 45(1), 31–48. Retrieved from https://tidsskrift.dk/psyke/article/view/146544