omrids til en revision af kvindelighedsbegrebet i analytisk psykologi
The subject of the paper is a critical discussion and revision of four gendered concepts in analytical psychology (animus/anima; Logos/Eros, thinking/feeling, patriarchal/matriarchal consciousness). The critique stems from a pointing out the error that the »knowledge« of certain masculine and feminine qualities becomes a common denominator resulting in a confusion of theoretical levels. The concepts can be freed from this and function in a more open way as instruments on the different theoretical levels.
Following this revision, the theory is expanded with a new concept »the daughter archetype«, which denotes the establishment and development of women's identity and plays an important role in the individuation process. This is seen as functional
and phenomenological different from the motherarchetype, but is not, however, defined by certain psychological qualities. Fmally, aspects of the transference-countertransference pattem related to the phenomenology of the daughter-archetype is discussed.
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