Køn i formidlingsproces mellem kultur og individ. Nogle analytiske greb.
The article is based on a sociocultural psychological approach. Gender is seen as one of many structuring principles in mediating processes between culture and person. A variety of analytical perspectives and analytical tools are suggested. The perspectives
and tools answer the purpose of analysis of empirical data when the context specific meaning of gender is to be studied. It is suggested that one looks for traits of meaning and practices that constitute specific social identities, i.e. gender. The constituting
traits might be gathered through the idea of matrixes and abstract figures, and the flexible character of constituents, matrixes and abstract figures is discussed by means of the concept of negotiation. Finally it is suggested that one looks out for cultural
codes. It is by means of these analytical approaches the intention to move the understanding of gender within empirical analysis beyond »the metaphor of possession« (Wertsch, 1991).
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