Den magiske blokk
- om kjønn og identitetsarbeid
How is it possible to conceptualize identity work in relation togender, without ending up in either an essensialistic or nominalistic position, both having problems with explaining change and variation? The paper argues for a solution that understands
the concepts of identity, subjectivity and discourse as connected, but not mutual reducible. This point is illuminated by a metaphor of Freud' s where the psychic world is described as a »magical pad« which allows for the combination of duration and
change. The theoretical points are illustrated through an analysis of a 20 year old young woman. The analysis suggests that gendered subjectivity should not be defined through a specific content, but by the way images of and discourses about gender
is tied together in a specific lifestory. In her gender-identity work this young women uses the societal discourses to interpret and modify her own gendered subjectivity. In this way she may contribute both to the change and the maintenance of stereotypes
of what is considered male or female in the culture.
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