Litteratur i erindringen


  • Steen Folke Larsen



Experiences of reading literature may seem momentary and fleeting, but sometimes they remain in memory for years. Memories of reading are shown to consist of two kinds of material, viz., the content of the literary work (as understood by the reader)
and the circumstances in which the work was embedded at the time of reading. Thus, the world of fiction and aesthetics is integrated in memory with the personal and social world of the reader, and this amalgam may be preserved as a part of his or her life history for decades. Similar to personal experiences, most vi vid memories of reading recalled by 70 years old people date from the person' s 20s and 30s. The reason is not that they were particularly avid readers at that time, but rather that experiences
in these years - whether real or fictional - are particularly likely to become important to the conscious image of the self.




How to Cite

Folke Larsen, S. (2023). Litteratur i erindringen. Psyke & Logos, 14(2).