Kontaktrummet som resource i professionelt hjælpearbejde
Selv, identitet og menneskelig udvikling
In the first part of the artide an analysis is made of the three concepts of self, identity and personal development. Moving beyond theoretical differences related to the endogenous-exogenous dichotomy a systems theoretical perspective is arrived at in which »self« relates to a principle of guided change, i.e. »development«, »identity« to a principle of relative stability. In the second part of the article the socratic »midwifery «-method is described as being based on a dialogic contact-game in which the
helped person meets his own self in what he believes to be a meeting with the Other, i.e. with the helper. The special relevance of this helping approach in present day Western societies is seen as a consequence of specific pressures towards personal
individuation as the proper way of developing.
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