Adskilt i forbundethed
Om det psykoterapeutiske forholds gensidighed og handlingens ensidighed
The article deals with the relationship between therapist and person in the therapeutic process. More specifically it deals with the discrepancy between symmetry and a-symmetry existing in the relationship. Abstractly the therapeutic relationship shares basis and condition with any other human relationship, and, at the same time, it has specific traits. These traits are examined through my looking at the paradox which is in »treatment«: It is necessary that the therapist is there, and it is quite as necessary, that the person does his work himself. The spring of the action is with the person, and in a specific sense, only there. The paradox in »treating« another human being is seen in the last instance, as stemming from the anthropological circumstance, that we live our lives, grown up from specific, and to some extent common ways of practice. We grow up, separate and connected. At last, from this perspective, I touch upon the question of responsibility, of the person and of the therapist.
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