Berørt af menneske hånd

- om psykoterapiens rationalitet


  • Søren Willert



In the first main section certain developing themes from the quantitative research tradition on psychotherapy are described. This research has given rise to - at the same time as it is commenting upon an ambiguity concerning the rationality of psychotherapy. On the one band, it apparently »works«, on the other band the reasons or premises behind this working cannot be specified with any accuracy. In the second main section a model describing the logic of the psychotherapy process is set forth. This model is qualitatively based on the author's work-experiences as a therapist. This section concludes in noting that a logical-desciptive incommensurability exists between the goal dimension of the therapeutic process, and the dimension concerning the therapist's
control of his own actions. In the third main sections the two above descriptive perspectives are brought together through a discussion of some issues concerning the significance of the concept of rationality vis-a-vis an understanding of the psychotherapy process.




How to Cite

Willert, S. (2023). Berørt af menneske hånd: - om psykoterapiens rationalitet. Psyke & Logos, 7(1).