Den antipædagogiske udfordring


  • Sven Erik Nordenbo



Following the Student Revolt in Western Germany in the 1970s an educational movement
was created with the name of »Anti-pädagogik«, i.e. »The Movement Against Education«. This movement is even today still active and discussed. The article analyses some of the movement's central ideas and tries to expose the rationale behind them. First, the inspiration which »die Anti-pädagogen« received from the antipsychiatric movement is considered. To illustrate how the Movement Against Education perceives an ordinary educational context an example of a day-to-day educational interference
is discussed. This example shows which of the educational elements the Movement Against Education considers as outrageous, and motivates its demand on abolition of all educational activity.
It is concluded that the Movement Against Education raises questions about the general understanding of educational theory and practice today, in particular: How do we justify educational interference and compulsion when we cannot any longer refer
to »natural asymmetry of the educational relationship«, »natural development«, »absolute values« or a belief in »predictability of the future«? - This is the challenge of the Movement Against Education.




How to Cite

Nordenbo, S. E. (2023). Den antipædagogiske udfordring. Psyke & Logos, 12(2).