Brugervenlige edb-systemer: en introduktion


  • Anker Helms Jørgensen



Interactive computer systems are tools - like other tools. A key criterion for their acceptance is their usability. Most systems today leave a lot to be desired in terms of usability. First, the paper outlines some of the reasons for this state of affairs. Next three
examples of research projects in human-computer interaction are presented. The first addresses naming of commands. Systems designers selected names for functions in a simulate  interactive system. Naming tums out to be an incredibly creative process, resulting in a large diversity in the names. However, underlying systematicities also exist. The second project deals with the psychological issues in designing user interfaces. It is important to gain an understanding of how actual design takes place in that the system developers design the interfaces; moreover, they are consumers of the produets of research into usability. Based on in-depth interviews with system designers, determinants in interface design are outlined. The third project addresses the structure of the task undertaken by the user in interacting with a computer system. An "object-oriented" structure was compared to a "function-oriented" in a laboratory experiment. The first structure tumed out to be the easiest. Conducting the experiment produced a spin-off. I had two roles in the experiment: I had designed the system and I observed the subjects working with the system. Having the enourmous gap between the subjects' understanding and mine revealed was extremely useful. This leads to a discussion of two approaches to usability: establishing "objective" knowledge and to build upon individuals' experience.




How to Cite

Helms Jørgensen, A. (2023). Brugervenlige edb-systemer: en introduktion. Psyke & Logos, 5(2).