»Guds veje«
I picked the title from the novel »Jerusalem« by the swedish author Selma Lagerlof. To go by »the ways of God« means that the main character according to my interpretation by commiting himself in an aet of conscience is going thorugh a rite of passage as we know this concept from the history of religion. The actual aet of consience was concerned with a general value, namely justice. However it 's my point of view that there exists another sort of conscience, namely the »dark« or »mysterious« conscience, also known as the socratic Daimon, which is concerned with the persons peculiarity or personal project. It's a special
human drama when these two consciences, representing two sets of values, collide in an insoble conflict, which we according to my interpretation find described in the works of Kierkegaard and Jung. As to the question of dreams I see these as synchronistic (Jung) phenomena. Synchronicity is a concept that gives myths and archetypes their own ontological status meaning that a dream symbol, by way of example a symbol of rebirth or creation appears simultaneously with an aet of conscience, so that in that aet of conscience an actual rebirth is taking place. According to my Jung interpretation then the myth of Job (Jung's Answer to Job) is actually reactualized when the two different sorts of conscience collide.
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