Våra viktiga drömmar
In the article three important themes in popular dream interpretation are analysed: premonitory dreams, repeated dreams and realistic dreams. The basic materials are contemporary letters received through a questionnaire published in two papers (a newspaper and a women's weekly magazine) plus answers to the questionnaire received from folklore students. Folk belief material from the Folklore archive of the Finnish Literature Society is also drawn upon. The relation between premonitory dreams and
realistic dreams is analysed and it is shown how popular symbols and their frequency have changed from the early 20th century till today. Dreams and dream telling can be regarded as any other folklore genre containing both idiosyncratic and culturally dependent, stereotyped and almost formulaic elements, transmitted orally. However, in a literate society premonitory dreams play an ever diminishing role. On the other band in some subcultures, especially among women, it is still natural to have and interpret premonitory dreams.
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