Om den følsomme fornuft og den fornuftige følsomhed

Psykoterapi som erkendelsesparadigme


  • Jette Fog



My point of departure is the specificity of the relation between researcher subject and research object. The necessity of examining the culture and psychology of the researcher is emphasized as a methodological point and the implication for this of the sex differentiation of the culture is stressed. Next I write about the tenacious dichotomy between feeling and reason. This dichotomy
bears the impress of sex. Up against the dichotomy I write about the faculty of knowledge evolved in psychotherapy as paradigmatic: Here the incompatibility of cognition and feeling is overcome, both are necessary and different channels of knowledge-getting. I complicate the concept of knowledge, and point out intuitive and empathic ways of getting knowledge as valid.
I stress the necessity of identificatorical knowledge in psychological concepts used about the person. In looking at his object as an object the researcher has taken the outlook of the psychopath as a paradigm of knowledge, and has mistaken objektivism for
objectivity. I return back to the researcher considered in the light of sex differentiation and look at the implications connected to the notion, that psychological concepts to a wide degree has identificatorical knowledge as an (implicit) premise.




How to Cite

Fog, J. (2023). Om den følsomme fornuft og den fornuftige følsomhed: Psykoterapi som erkendelsesparadigme. Psyke & Logos, 6(1).