Hæmning af følelser og hæmningsfølelser. 3.


  • Martin Johansen




In two previous articles the author has tried to describe phenomenological aspects about inhibition of emotions and to classify and name types of inhibitions of feeling. His research is defined to concern conscious phenomena, or phenomena that may easily become conscious. The present text illustrates how inhibition of emotion, functioning effectively - possibly fixated - may be influenced to break down by certain unforeseen factors that are communicated to the person involved. An attempt is made to identify the nature of such straining influences, and in addition to determine circumstances that prevent a straining
factor from inducing a collapse of inhibition. To conceive the straining process as an inhibition of the inhobition is suggested.
As demonstrated by the author's examples, established inhibitions may be only episodically effective. This seems to indicate that the original founding of the inhibition takes place with only that kind and amount of 'vehicles' which are just necessary at the moment
of the first establishment. And as a consequence the appropriate unforeseen straining factor on occasion brings the inhibition to collapse. In the following section the author tries to characterize the emotional experience of the inhibition of a feeling. An attempt is made to set up categories of inhibition-feelings, - offensive or deffensive types marked for instance by same variety of endeavour, by distaste, counterbalancing, or by invincibility. All this is based on the postulate that inhibition-feelings are emotions in their own right, only difficult to name. A concluding section discusses certain difficulties in naming categories of inhibitions that restrain the feelings.




How to Cite

Johansen, M. (2023). Hæmning af følelser og hæmningsfølelser. 3 . Psyke & Logos, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.7146/pl.v5i1.134378


