»Det ubevidste« i erkendelsesteoretisk belysning. En filosofisk problematisering.


  • Lars Andersen




The article deals with five different post-freudian positions, which it is possible to take in relation to the concept of »the Unconscious« in psychoanalytic theory. It mentions the contradiction in psychoanalysis between a mechanistic and a humanist description of the subject and shows, that psychical causality is a dogma based on a »category mistake« - psychical phenomena can only be explained intentionally, not causally, and with consciousness as a given foundation. The article shows, that the theory of a universal, unconscious determinism leads to theoretical nihilism and is therefore self-refuting, and discusses the foundation of psychoanalytic knowledge and its proper form of reflection - even if it is possible to use Freudian »metapsychology« heuristically-instrumentally, its substantial conception of »the Unconscious« is problematic. »The Unconscious« is unknowable and unutterable, regarded as psychical reality, and regarded as a theoretical fiction its usefulness is dubious. The conclusion pleads for an 'Action Language', that avoids speaking about The unconscious, instead of a universal, formalistic theory of »the mind«.




How to Cite

Andersen, L. (2023). »Det ubevidste« i erkendelsesteoretisk belysning. En filosofisk problematisering. Psyke & Logos, 13(1). https://doi.org/10.7146/pl.v13i1.134366