Psykoanalysen i Danmark
The present article is a view over the history of psychoanalysis in Denmark during the period 1909-1989. The greatest importance is attached to the psychoanalytic societies and their relations to the scientific institutions. Lines are also drawn between psychoanalysis and society in general including cultural life. The expound is disposed in four sections. First section covers the period from 1909 until 1929, in which the rise of psychoanalysis and the receipt is being discussed. Second section is going through the period from 1929 until 1950 and is characterized by the fact that psychoanalysis was drawn into the cultural radicalism and sexual reform movement. It includes also the first psychoanalytical societies and their mutual strifes. Third section goes from 1950 until 1970 and in this period the american ego-psychology became dominant, which appears in the fact that the Danish psychoanalytic Society became associated to IPA, while Danish psychoanalytic Association and the Society of dynamic Psychoanalysis was
driven into a sidetrack. A new interest in psychoanalysis was showing up in the literature in the socalled modernism, but otherwise there was silent about psychoanalysis during these years. The fourth section is dealing with the renaissance of psychoanalysis caused by the counter culture in general and more specifically by the rebellion of the students in 1968. These events
arose a general interest in psychoanalysis, which temporarily has culminated in the 1980es.
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