Freud og psykiatrien
Freud viewed psychoanalysis as a basic psychological theory of psychiatry. At the same time he maintained that the concepts of psychoanalysis, its methods of observation and the causal explanations used in psychoanalysis were different from the concepts, methods and explanations used in psychiatry. In his article "The QuestionsofLay-analysis" he attacked impetuously
the doctors who performed psychoanalysis without having gained the necessary expertice by a formal education.
By ways of examples the article examines how psychiatrists today view psychoanalysis, how psychiatry and psychoanalysis influence each other mutually, and how this mutual influence can lead to progress in clinical treatment as well as to theoretical derailments as far as psychoanalytic theory is concerned. Lastly, the article refers to ethics as a field in which psychoanalysis and psychiatry are characterized by taking different positions.
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