Historicitet og situation
Taking as his point of departure a critique of the traditional means of doing empirical research within the psychology of language, viz. the experiment, the author proceeds to diagnose a problem in the book on Marxism and the phlilosophy of language by V.N. Volosjinoff (written in 1929, an english translation was published in 1973). On the one hand, the word is seen as the ideological unit par excellence, on the other hand, meaning may only be studied as part of verbal interaction. This dilemma continues in modern pragmatic linguistics and - it is argued - still mars contemporary sociolinguistics in that the historicity of semantic structures and their variation as determined by socialization
processes are simply not studied. Based on Vygotsky's socio-historical approach, the author calls for an empirical sociolinguistics focussing on ideology as meaning structures.
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