Symbol og virkelighedsnærvær
In this paper symbol is not understood as a sign re-presenting something else. Symbol designates an entity - found or created by man - which presents reality, in a way that transcends its habitual mode of appearance.
Through the symbol the finite, i.e. the sensously demarcated qualities of an ordinary thing, is presented. But also the infinite, i.e. the wholly other (das Ganz Andere), without any sensuous or conceptual demarcations, is presenting itself in an intuitive way.
Since the appearance of the infinite is an integral aspect of a living symbol, the symbol cannot be reduced to finite constituents, i.e. the symbol is in principle beyond interpretation. This does not mean, however, that it is beyond psychology. The inspiration exerted on a human being by the symbol can be investigated, without interpreting
it: What feelings, thoughts, wishes etc. etc. the symbol evokes. And further: How the human being acts in relation to the inspiration of the symbol.
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