Glæden og tåren


  • Martin Johansen



Certain intense feelings of joy are often accompanied by an outburst of tears to which momentarily belongs a singular slightly grieflike shade of emotion that has never been named. The point is that there are types of joy where this cannot happen. The conditions of ejaculation of tears in relation to joy seem to consist in the joy's object being only obtained after great pains have been taken, and after doubt as to succeeding in getting it. - Or when somebody you have been in great danger of loosing, yet is regained. - A life-threatening situation that has suddenly and unexpectedly
been lightened. - An applause for reappearance after a disabling illness. Etc. Here the tearful joy will arrive. Joys without that kind of factors will never result in moist eyes. Ordinary pleasure of working, love of good food, joy at dominating, joy at rageing, - at snobbing, etc. On the other band certain joys of sensuously clear impressions as of music and
of considerable natural phenomena may - without the factors mentioned - lead to outburst of tears.
A number of examples of the phenomena pointed out has been described. - A principal division of joy-phenomena is suggested.




How to Cite

Johansen, M. (2022). Glæden og tåren. Psyke & Logos, 16(2).



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