At komme til klarhed

Om bevidst-blivelsesprocessen hos terapeuten


  • Jette Fog



The topic of this paper is the knowledge-getting process of the psychotherapist in the therapeutic encounter. The awareness and the becoming conscious about what is going on happens on several levels - from tacit knowledge to knowledge that can be articulated. In the first part of the article I am concerned with and demonstrate through
an example the figure-ground relationship between the perceptual awareness of the therapist and her practical and theoretical background knowledge. She is primarily aware ofthe concrete process between her and the other person, and she is aware of the process in the light of all her background of practical and theoretical knowledge. What she sees and senses is »theoryladen«. In the second part of the article I am concerned with »the therapeutic sense«. The action taken in the process is mostly spontaneous, and its conceptualization low. The knowledge folded into the action is
tacit. This means that the empathic knowledge is vulnerable to whatever un-acknowledged feelings that the therapist harbours. Finally, I describe how the becoming conscious is felt, and how one can know that what has been reached is actually an insight.




How to Cite

Fog, J. (2022). At komme til klarhed: Om bevidst-blivelsesprocessen hos terapeuten. Psyke & Logos, 16(2).


