Et tilbageblik med nutidigt sigte


  • Birger Steen Nielsen



The article describes how the marxist critique in the early years of the students’ movement led to new orientations, also within psychology. Among the many different positions, one important dividing line was that between those who – inspired by soviet marxist traditions – wanted to build up a marxist psychology, and those who – in the line of critical theory – took inspiration from psychoanalysis, including the recognition of an »inner nature«. An impact of the retraditionalisation of the students’ movement, however, was the break down of critique. Also for psychology this had consequenses. The themes inspired by the meeting between marxism ans psychoanalysis were not cultivated and developed, but left behind. So, today constructivism and (new)biologism stand unmediated side by side – and dealing with the unconscious is again reduced and neutralised, being regarded solely as a therapeutic matter. The inspiration
from critical theory, however, is not used up, it still makes up an unfulfilled program.

Author Biography

Birger Steen Nielsen

Birger Steen Nielsen, f. 1946, mag. art i Litteraturvidenskab, forskningslektor ved Erhvervs- og voksenuddannelsesgruppen, Institut for uddannelsesforskning, RUC. – Var fra 1977 til 1982 undervisningsassistent ved Psykologisk Laboratorium ved K.U., med i red. for tidsskrifterne Kontext og Udkast.




How to Cite

Steen Nielsen, B. (2022). MARXISME OG PSYKOLOGI: Et tilbageblik med nutidigt sigte. Psyke & Logos, 21(1).