There is some confusion about, what gestalt therapy really is. This is due to the development gestalt therapy has gone through since its arrival in Denmark around 1971. This led to formation of three kinds of gestalt therapies, »techniqe-gestalt therapy«, »support-gestalt therapy« and gestalt therapy. The first two forms of gestalt therapy cannot be considered psychotherapies, as they have lost connection to some af the basic ideas in gestalt therapy. In this article the development of gestalt therapy in Denmark is described, and it is pointed out how the american »import« of gestalt therapy has led to danish misunderstandings. Next the basic ideas in the modern danish gestalt therapy are described and culturel aspects in these ideas are pointed out, as these are important to pay attention to when gestalt therapy is practiced in a (european) society, which in crucial ways differentiates from its »native« country USA.
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