
  • Erik Schultz




The article commence with a presentation of central issues in Husserl’s phenomenological philosophy and methodology. From this viewpoint Franz From’s investigation on social perception is treated. An important difference between Husserl’s and From’s philosophical positions is pointed out, even though From’s method to a certain point
may be called a phenomenological method. Husserl considered the phenomenological method to be a way that would bring os into a deeper contact with the ontological, real world, whereas From saw a phenomenological investigation as a fist step toward reality. In 1988 I published the results of an investigation that in many ways repeated From’s
investigation. The difference between the two investigations is, nevertheless, to be found in the subject matter. I collected reports from observers looking at real behaviour, presented to them on a film-shot, whereas From collected reports from observers looking at instructed meaningless acting, likewise presented on a film-shot. From a discussion emerging because of this difference, the article tries to find the kind of phenomena that are suited for phenomenological investigations, and discriminate these phenomena from the kind, where phenomenologial investigations seems to be meaningless endeavours.

Author Biography

Erik Schultz

Erik Schultz er cand. psych. 1972, Dr. phil. 1988, lektor ved Københavns Universitet,
Institut for psykologi. Underviser i almen- og personlighedspsykologi.




How to Cite

Schultz, E. (2022). KØBENHAVNERFÆNOMENOLOGIENS PERSONLIGHEDSPSYKOLOGI. Psyke & Logos, 21(1). https://doi.org/10.7146/pl.v21i1.133611