In two main parts the paper gives a historical and theoretical review of the Danish philosophical-psychological tradition that – closely related to the demands of an entrance examination in the basic philosophical knowledge, »filosofikum« – existed at the Danish universities in the period 1675-1971. Under the leadership of the professors in philosophy this tradition had a great influence on the birth and development of modern psychology in Denmark. In part one we will follow the philosophical-psychological tradition – closely related to the birth of the existential thoughts in Danish philosophy – until the year 1882. In this year the professor in philosophy, Harald Høffding, published a highly, international recognised book on psychology. In part two we will follow the tradition from Harald Høffding and his influence – closely related to the ideas of a descriptive, empirical founded psychology – until the last influential book in the tradition is written in the years between 1941 and 1945 by professor in philosophy, Jørgen Jørgensen. Finally, we will take a look at the development of modern psychology seen in its relation to the philosophical tradition.
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